As I prepare for my fifth trip to Haiti I have been wondering where the funds will come from? Not sure why these feelings of doubt come to mind. I know in my heart and also from past experiences every time the Lord calls me to go, he always provides the way! I guess the planning side of me wants to know every single detail. Not that planning is bad, it is a beautiful gift from God that helps to steer the body of Christ toward the accomplishment of God-given goals.
It is all a matter of trust. God would
not ask us to do something he could not handle. I was reminded in my quiet time
about the story of Jesus feeding thousands with just five loaves of bread and
two fish. The disciples thought they were going to have to go buy the food. In
other words they were focusing on what they did not have and what they needed
to do rather than focus on what God has done and what he is able to do!
Lord I pray, please help me to focus
on a Mighty God who can do all things and not let the lack of resources blind
me from seeing the your mighty power oh God! It’s
about trusting You Lord, completely!